Friday, November 24, 2023

Casper the Friendly Ghost

The sound of someone crying  quickly distracted him. Running over to the edge of the rooftop Danny looked down and what he saw felt like it cracked his core. Down in the alley way was a child crouching over two larger forms Danny could only assume were the boy's parents. Floating down behind the boy Danny fell to his knees.

The sadness, and absolute despair the boy was sending out in waves practically broke Danny. “Hey.” Danny spoke in the most comforting voice he had, which he often used with the new ghost children that would manifest in the ghost zone confused and hurt and sad.

The boy wiped his head around Danny was afraid he was going to get whiplash, when Danny spoke.

“Who, who are you?” The boy asked with an obvious tremble in his words. It made Danny’s core and heart race.

“I’m Danny, who might you be?” Danny asked with a smile while sending waves of calm, and safety at the boy.

The boy sniffled before answering. “Bruce.”

“That's a very nice name, now Bruce could you tell me what happened?” He asked with as much reasherence as possible, he did not want the boy to think he was going to hurt him,