Saturday, January 21, 2012

vieda moon

played rugby in some asian country down below the equator.
solid muscle
suns  and sons of viedah macabee
huddled away under carpets coming to the 1973 wintergames
they get into the floor boards
these Mca Bee
fuji plasma DMT diffuser 23,000,))*

so this is what we're up against
UP AGAINST is right
up against it get down on it everywhich way but lose
a colin hanks type is what the reverend asked for specifically

cant we just watch the fuckin movie
lenses .
you KNOW  about the lenses
u mean the lenses one
gets on their eyes
that split thier lenses into..
no.we meant the  LEN for the caterering  at DeVon horse shoe
well Lance is sick .seems he had too much brazilian bisness man for lunch
Mikey likes it

and ifg he doesnt we'll just break his finger

so there's this rugby player  Damien
he's with PROXY
there's a minister their
they call the CEOs monitors
reverends preachers
all very Rising Sun Moon

they have a satellite
while we're here sobbing about monicamoormon they're mining moondogs
did we say fingers i thought u said

OH brother .another fUckin REAM
and the light goes on
by itself
there are like green electric controls so water and lights go on  and off
at will
by their own
it's efficient if nothing else though..kinda logans run

bad mood these days like in in the ARMIIII
i have to like IRON SHHHHIRTS these daysand have to buy specific arMani shhhhhhhooooooz
little faggity thinks that are square .and look like FRANKKKKKKKken stein shoes
and go to a gym.
insane requests for a 43 year old man
37 .
holmium 37
or maybe just Holmes

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